Category Archives: Computer Security Related

Fake Anti-Virus Scareware, the scourge of the Internet

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Being as how this is a new year with some of the same old internet malware problems I wanted to take a moment to talk about one of the most common and most often infected on … Continue reading

Posted in Computer Security Related | 2 Comments

The True Weight of a Cloud

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] So, you’ve heard of Cloud Computing. Or, maybe you haven’t. For those who don’t know what Cloud Computing is, here is a definition, per Wikipedia: “Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information … Continue reading

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Anti-Malware Botnet

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] I’m sending this random thought as a Blog update since it’ll be too long winded to fit in Twitter. My thought: Anti-virus/Anti-spyware software is by nature, Defensive. It’s quite possible that, by the time your software … Continue reading

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My little ‘bag of tricks’ or Tools I use to kill pesky software.

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Ok, not a bag but a USB thumb drive. Never the less, the following is a breakdown of the programs I use for my systematic hunting down and eradicating of malware. Malware, for those who might … Continue reading

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