Category Archives: Random Rants

What the hell has happened to us

Where have we gone? Where have we drifted to as a species? When we can have a flagrantly immoral, publicity seeking whore throw the entire Women’s Rights movement and Battle for Equality and Respect back to the Dark Ages with one … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 1 Comment

BOHICA The New Trend in IT

Just in case you’re not sure. BOHICA stands for Bend Over, Here It Comes Again. It started with BYOD or Bring Your Own Device. A plague with far too much material online for me to feel the need to add … Continue reading

Posted in IT Insanity, Random Rants | 1 Comment

First Do No Harm

I’m tired. I’m burnt out, depressed, sick of an existence where every day it’s “Stand up, only to get knocked down again”. Where every day it’s a struggle to not simply give up. Where I literally have nothing positive to … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 2 Comments

Challenging a Techno-Social Myth

I was initially going to call this write up Challenging Einstein which would have been way more eye catching of a title. However, Einstein never actually said the quote listed in the photo below so I would have been propagating … Continue reading

Posted in IT Insanity, Random Rants | 1 Comment

The Darkside and the Geekside

This isn’t really an IT related post. It’s more of a “What makes Rigsby tick” post. I know, damned scary thought. I know full well there are many online friends who have had their fill of my mood swings, self-deprecating … Continue reading

Posted in IT Insanity, Random Rants | 1 Comment

Rebuilding Me

I’m sitting here, absent-mindedly rubbing a, now empty, Wedding Ring Finger because the physical sensation of not having a ring on it is nearly overwhelming. Yes, 2014 will be a year of dramatic changes. 11 years together, 8 years as … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 3 Comments

BYOD Sucks and here is why I say that

Here’s the thing. I’m not a “Solutions Provider” or an “API Architect” or any of the other IT related positions who stand to gain a substantial amount of business when BYOD get’s implemented in the Enterprise. Amazingly enough, these types … Continue reading

Posted in IT Insanity, Random Rants | 6 Comments

I’m a Network Administrator, dammit!

First off, let me make some warnings and disclaimers. This is a rant. This is an emotionally fueled rant in defensive response for some really irritating attitudes and blogs I see going around recently. This is a rant primarily directed … Continue reading

Posted in IT Insanity, Random Rants | 7 Comments

Ok, now what?

I’m sitting here, staring at Windows Live Writer, struggling to figure out what I’m writing, one word at a time. You see, I “have a blog” if it could be loosely defined as such. I very rarely post things to … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 2 Comments

Headphones, Magic Listening Devices & Anti-Stupid Shields

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] If you know me in person or follow me on Twitter you will already know that I commute to and from work via Trimet, which is the Portland, Oregon greater metro area’s public transit system as … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants, Trimet Transit Weirdness | 3 Comments