Category Archives: Random Rants

I’m angry as hell and I’m finally going to say why Part 2

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Now let me get one thing perfectly straight. I DO NOT SUPPORT OCCUPY WALLSTREET! I support people finally having the courage to break the rules that govern this corrupt society to courageously try and wake up … Continue reading

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I’m angry as hell and I’m finally going to say why

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Or, My ‘political rant’  Ok, first off let me start with a statement that will most likely save many of you the trouble of reading past it because you will immediately condemn anything I have to … Continue reading

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Don’t call me a guru

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Ooh, so you’re a (Technology, SEO, Marketing, Sales, Life, Motivational, Fitness, etc., etc. ad nauseum) (Guru, Expert, Wizard, Coach, Mentor, etc., etc. ad nauseum)? I’m honored to be humbled by your presence. So, just how long … Continue reading

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Death of a Power User

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] As I write this I am sitting here between a Windows 7 Professional x64 laptop and a Windows Developer Preview, aka Windows 8, x64 laptop. There are literally hundreds of various tech blogs out there right now … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 5 Comments

Welcome to My World

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Even though I associate pretty much exclusively with other ‘tech geeks’ online I occasionally get asked what type of environment I work in and what it is that I do exactly. So, that lead me to write … Continue reading

Posted in IT Insanity, Random Rants | 1 Comment

Getting Social with your Business

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] First off, a Disclaimer, credit needs to go where credit is due. The information I’m re-posting below came from a Skillpath ( Seminar titled ‘The Social Media Marketing Conference’. I just found the information of value … Continue reading

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[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Yesterday I found out that my 16 year old step-daughter needs back surgery for a couple herniated disks. Last night I found out how much ‘out of pocket’ that surgery is going to cost me. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 3 Comments

Dear User

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Dear User, Remember that time you spilled coffee on your keyboard before I got to work, then got mad at me when I came in because I wasn’t there to get you a new keyboard and … Continue reading

Posted in IT Insanity, Random Rants | 3 Comments

Dear Agony

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] I have nothing left to give I have found the perfect end You were made to make it hurt Disappear into the dirt Carry me to heaven’s arms Light the way and let me go Take … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 1 Comment

You’re a mean jerk for not Following me back!

[tweetmeme source=”mikerigsby” only_single=false] Quite possibly true, but not because I don’t automatically Follow back everyone who Follows me on Twitter. Here’s the deal: Twitter is a micro-blog/news/info feed system where an individual person can Follow people or businesses that … Continue reading

Posted in Random Rants | 4 Comments